Anant Agarwal

Graduate Student
North Carolina State University

"Stay Hungry, Saty Foolish" - Steve Jobs


Mentioned below are some of the projects that I have worked on in the past or currently working on. They have been categorized as 'NCSU - Grad School'and 'JIIT-Undergrad' depending on what phase in my education I completed them.

NCSU - Grad School -

Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data

using Python, NLTK and scikit-learn.
Developed multi-classifier models to perform sentiment analysis of twitter data for the Sentiment140 dataset and compared the performance of Naive Bayes, MaxEntropy and SVM classifiers over different performance metrics. Achieved comparable results (~75% accuracy) to existing approaches despite using a general corpus and default parameters.

VoiceTravel - A Dialogue Assistant for Flight Search

using Python, NLTK , Django and Android SDK.
Developed a dialogue based system that provides the user with a spoken interface to search flights. Implemented the system as an android application that communicates with a remote Django server to perform language processing on user utterance through named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging etc.

Tag Based Data De-duplication over a Network

using C++, Pthreads and Socket Programming.
Developed an in-line data de-duplication scheme for a file-system using fixed sized blocks for a network structure. System supports tag-based file retrieval, file-locking and caching at client end for bandwidth optimization. The system had a de-duplication factor of 0.7 over different test sets and also had a robust underlying peer to peer network

Reasonable Care Database System

using Java, JDBC, SWING and Oracle.
Developed a database application for a university health center scenario with functionalities like making appointments, managing schedules, managing billing using credit card and insurance details, recording medical history etc. All these functionalities were implemented using SQL and an appropriate UI.

FIFA World Cup 2014 Prediction System

using Python, PyBrain and Pandas
Implemented a neural network multi-layer perceptron model to predict the outcome of the FIFA World Cup 2014. The model uses a single hidden node and the features have been derived from the past performance at different World Cups by the participating teams. I am currently working on extending the model by adding features specific to a particular player and also consider the performance in 'non-world cup' matches between participating teams. I achieved 98.5% correct classifications overall.

Comparative Analysis of Graph Search Algorithms

using C++
Presented a comparative analysis of graph search algorithms like A*, Greedy Search, Uniform Cost Search, Breadth First Search and Depth First Search by running each search algorithm on a map of United States. Reported results in terms of distance travelled and the number of intermediate cities it takes to get to the destination from the source. All algorithms were implemented from scratch.

JIIT - Undergrad -

Sign Language Gesture Recognition using Microsoft Kinect

using C++, Python, OpenCV and LIBSVM.
Developed a framework for sign language gesture recognition using machine learning and computer vision algorithms by creating a characteristic depth and motion profile for each gesture using only depth images. Images were taken from a Microsoft Kinect. Published in IEEE.

Network Traffic Analyzer

using Python, oTCL and Matlab.
A classifier that uses machine learning techniques to classify incoming network traffic based upon features like throughput, packet length, packet inter-arrival time etc. into its source type without using the port number information. Results were obtained by performing experiements on self-generated traffic flow datasets using this approach.